Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Anti-feminist Mike Adams' take on feminism is seriously distorted.

"Feminism is a minority social movement, whose members murder innocent children in order to obtain sexual gratification."

First of all, he only focuses on the aspect of abortion choice in the women's movement. Here's a news flash for Adams: WOMEN DON'T GET PREGNANT BY THEMSELVES. Though I don't personally would resort to abortion, I do know that most women who undergo abortion do so for several reasons that are viable (issues with women's health, the fetus' health, financial insecurity, etc.) Abortion is most times a very difficult decision for women to make.

Secondly, Adam's doesnt know what he's talking about. Women murder innocent children to obtain sexual gratification? It doesn't even make sense.

His definition and view on feminism is so immature and ludacris that it's difficult to believe that people actually listen to him.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Got a secret?

Larry Flynt, Publisher of Hustler magazine, is offering up to $1 million in cash if you've had a "sexual encounter" with someone in Congress and can prove it.

Flynt published an ad in last Sunday's Washington Post, soliciting for information who has "sexual encounter with a current member of the United States Congress or a high-ranking government official." Hustler paid $13,640 for the ad. Shoulda just posted on Craigslist. Kidding.
This is really random for Hustler to do, and I'm wondering if anyone will fess up. For a $1 million dollar reward, some money hungry woman is bound to tell all.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

It's T-O-M-O-R-R-O-W

On Thursday, Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, spoke on high-tech issues at a gathering of CEOs and senior officials at Applied Materials.

Aside from delivering her speech behind a screen spelling out tomorrow as "tommorrow" (which funny enough, ABC attempts to misspell on purpose as tommorow), Clinton outlined a nine point agenda for the increased research and development, and strengthened work force in the sciences and technology. Her plan also includes a $50 million Strategic Energy Fund, a plan to gather the best minds from the realms of academia, the private sector and the government to make the U.S. energy independent.

Best minds, huh? It's funny that they couldnt even spell an elementary work like "tomorrow" right.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thomas the Abu Gharib Prisoner and Klansman!

Hitshopusa.com has quite a hot item up on its website (in fact its in limited quantities, only 23 left!). What is it you ask? Why its a Thomas & Friends hooded bath towel! Perfect for keeping your kids snuggly and cozy, while looking just like Abu Gharib prisoner, or for all ya'll Klansmen, a KKKid!

Check out the pictures, this has to be the epitome of marketing gone wrong.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

S T A R R: Rudy G.'s MySpace Mistress?

Rumors are floating around that republican presidential hopeful Rudy G. has a new online lover. The National Enquirer reports in its latest issue that Starr Shephard, a 36 year old motivational speaker from Texas, is Rudy's cyber mistress.

Both Rudy and Starr deny the allegations. Big surprise.

You can visit Starr's MySpace page that has Giuliani this and that all over it. Her photo section is even more amusing with some pretty much naked photos of her (how inspirational, and professional to boot!), and some other photos of her with some well known people. Her appearance is quite amusing in itself with her frazzled, one-too-many-times bleached blonde hair, tacky and cheap looking wardrobe.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Support our troops, buy a frosty soda!

Check out this display at a Roy Rogers. Some act of patriotism, right? If you buy a 32oz Coca-Cola beverage a portion of the proceeds will go out to support our troops and their families all over the world.
Something about it just isn't right. I think it's the fact that now Americans (whom are among the most obese in the world) are being called to acts of patriotism by gourging themselves with soda in order to support our troops and "show them that we (you) care". Will a few cents per cup really solve the problem? I think it'll only contributing to America's ongoing problem with overconsumption and obesity.

Curzon at Coming Anarchy concludes, "I don’t think any readers are the type of people to be suckered into buying a super-sized soft drink on the grounds that it’s doing our troops a favor, but just in case you get the urge, hear me out: using patriotism to capture your consumer dollar is a cheap gimic that does no benefit to our troops or our country. Show them you care and don’t supersize."

Monday, May 28, 2007

Hilary wears the pants

A new book by Carl Berstein claims that former President Bill Clinton had planned to divorce his wife, current democratic presidential hopeful Hilary Clinton. No it wasn't because of the other woman we know as Monica Lewinsky, but the other OTHER woman Bernstein identifies as Marilyn Jo Jenkins, a marketing executive.

The Daily Mail suggests that supposedly Hilary had talked Bill out of ending their marriage. Gee I wonder why.

(P.S. Yes it's from Fox News, and right now I really don't care. I orginally found it from fark.com)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bush was bombed...(and other funnies)

by bird droppings. While taking a question in the White House Rose Garden on Thursday about the scandals revolving around his Attorney General, a bird flew from above and laid a big one on him. Bush tried wiping it off several times...ew.

"Deputy White House Press Secretary Dana Perino promptly put the incident through the proper spin cycle, telling ABC News, 'It was his lucky day…everyone knows that's a sign of good luck.' " Sure, whatever. He better have washed his hands after.

Watch it happen here (wmp) or here (quicktime).

Bird Sh*ts on Bush During Press Conference [CrooksandLiars]

Found this on Wonkette.com and though it was pretty sad...

Wording, people...wording!


And now some visual stimuli...

Rosie and poor little Elizabeth battle it out over politics! Like omg!

and later Alicia Silverstone SNUFFS Elizabeth.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What the...

At a recent kidergarten ceremony in Iraq, all were smiles and giggles. The children played games, while other sipped on juice boxes. They also vowed to fight.

While it seemed that things were cheerful and light, it was apparent that it was in reality not so. The children have been deeply affected by the war they must live in the middle of, and this was apparent in the things that they said.

"I'm going to bomb, bomb, bomb the school with everybody in it," said Omar Hussein, as he clutched a pink toy airplane.

Another girl sang, I give a knife to my father to slaughter the chicken. He gives me a machine gun and a rifle. Now, I am a soldier in the liberation army."

Most of the children have expressed their wanting to "live like before". And they deserve it. It is truly heartbreaking to see how this war has affected these children. Even though they may not know what they say, this war has bred a new hate within even younger generations as they've been stripped of their innocence by what they've heard, seen, and feel.

Iraqi kindergarten: Smiles and vows to fight [CNN.com]

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

BUSH caught on tape!

President G.W. Bush was caught on tape this past Sunday driving his truck in Texas without wearing a seatbelt.

Apparently he had been casually crusing around on his ranch with Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, the NATO Secretary General. Sadly, Bush smiles for the camera with his seatbelt obviously unbuckled.

"If he was on private property, he was not breaking the law," said Tom Vinger, spokesperson for the Texas Department of Public Safety.

While legal on his own property, his non-seatbelt wearing isn't such a hot way to start off National Seatbelt Week. But apparently this isn't a new thing for him as I've found a handful of other pictures of Bush unbuckled (e.g. see picture above). Way to set an example!

Bush Drives Without Seatbelt [ABC News]

Monday, May 21, 2007

Let the children learn!

Hilary Clinton is pushing for a voluntary, federally funded $10 billion program to provide voluntary pre-school education for 4 year olds across the United States.

And how will this be paid for? If implemented, Clinton plans to close tax loopholes to and to do away with Bush admin programs she disagrees with.

"She said quality pre-kindergarten programs will more than pay for themselves because children will be less likely to enter special education programs, drop out of school or enter the welfare system. She also said preparing children for school also reduces behavioral problems."

This sounds like a good program, but I wonder if it will really stay voluntary. (E.g. seatbelt laws, which by no means is bad). If the benefits outweigh the costs, then I'm all for it. Hilary needs to back it with some research to show this in order to gain support, which this article fails to provide.

Clinton pushes pre-kindergarten proposal [yahoo.com]

Friday, May 18, 2007


Or the EMU named Bill Clinton is, anyway. Clinton had been on the run for nearly a week before the Carrboro police caught him outside of a nursing home. He escaped from his pen in Orange County on Saturday. While neighbors tried catching the bird, they were defeated by it's massiveness (6'0 foot, 125 lb bird with dino-like claws). How he died is still up in the air.

"The manager of the Orange County Animal Shelter said police Tasered him. But a police spokesman said officers didn't use a Taser stun gun or tranquilizers. He said the bird injured himself as police tried to load him into a truck to take him to the shelter."

Poor poor emu. I wonder how many people actually thought the former president, Bill Clinton, had died. Goodness.


It was a nice day in Carrboro, but not for the emu [News Observer]

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Because it REALLY matters

It's a race for the white house for, "[f]ourteen dogs, six cats, 14 fish, two turtles named Cuff and Link, three birds and a ferret..." No, these animals aren't running for presidency, but their owners are!

Most of the hopefuls have pets, while four do not. You know what that means! Animal lovers/pet owners: Don't vote Obama, Giuliani, Tancredo, or Dodd. Just kidding.

Among all the candidates, McCain is the most animal crazy of them all! Twenty-two to be exact. How on Earth does he keep so many pets is beyond me.

Anyway, I don't know why knowing which candidate has pets or not really matters. It's just one of those silly, random things I guess. Whats new?

Here's a list for all you curious ones out there:


Delaware Sen. Joe Biden: A cat.

New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton: "Seamus, our Lab."

Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd: None because of family's allergies. Would like a dog.

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards: Golden retriever and chocolate Lab.

Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Pound-rescues Harry the beagle-basset, Lucie the beagle and George the cocker spaniel.

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama: None.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: Cats Jake and Squeaky.


Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback: Two dogs, two cats and a fish.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani: None.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee: Jet the 9-year-old black Lab, Sonic the 1 1/2-year-old Shih Tzu.

California Rep. Duncan Hunter: Two black Labs, Boo and Hunter.

Arizona Sen. John McCain: Sam the English springer spaniel, Coco the mutt, turtles Cuff and Link, Oreo the black and white cat, a ferret, three parakeets and 13 saltwater fish.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney: Family recently lost Marley, a Weimaraner.

Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo: No longer has a pet.

Candidates and Their Pets [WP]

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

No duh.

BREAKING NEWS: Prince Harry will not serve in Iraq! Apparently the decision was based on "a number of specific threats" against him. His prescence in Iraq poses to great and unreasonable threat to himself and his squadron. Well, no duh. Did they really need to announce this any later then they have?
They've built up so much hype for it to die so late in the game.

Also, isn't everyone being sent over there suffering from the same threat of death? What makes him so special? Oh right, he's a royal baby.

Harry is reported to have been crying ever since he found out. No really, he's "very disappointed".

"He has proved himself both at Sandhurst and in command of his troop during their training. I commend him for his determination and his undoubted talent -- and I do not say that lightly. His soldiers will miss his leadership in Iraq, although I know his commanding officer will provide a highly capable substitute troop leader."

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Kerry loves em blackberries!

On a flight to San Francisco, a friendly observer made note of Senator John Kerry's activities(while sitting comfortably next to him). Kerry had been noted reading "They March Into Sunlight: War and Peace Vietnam and America October 1967" by David Maraniss. He also was reported to have a legal journal in hand when he sat down, but didnt do any work in it and slept instead. And rightfully so, he must have been tired like anyone with a hectic schedule,

"He must have slept for over an hour and the whole time his mouth was opened wide. I didn't detect any drool."

Too funny.

Kerry also engaged himself with playing a Blackberry video game. Which one? The one with a paddle and ball, and where you have to knock down bricks with the ball, all the while the game speeds up. Yeah, I don't have a Blackberry so please excuse the game description. Apparently the Senator got really into the game too, as he was often described to have jerked around to make the right moves.

Kerry sounds fun.

Sen John Kerry : at risk for CrackBerry Thumb? [SF Metroblogging]

Monday, May 14, 2007

Omg txt me pls Hill!

Looks like presidential hopefuls are trying to conquer uncharted campaigning territories, from community sites such as MySpace, and now to the convenience of your own cell phone. Well at least such is the case for Hillary.

“By harnessing the power of text messaging, we can engage voters in the political process using the latest technology and provide personalized, local campaign updates to our supporters nationwide,” Clinton said. “This is an exciting step forward that I hope will continue our conversation with voters in a new format.”

Hillary hopes to reach out to voters on a whole new level. Those who sign up for her texts will receive updates on Clinton's campaign, including pictures...ooo...

and now, a funny rendition of a text conversation with Hill, compliments of Wonkette.com...

From: Hill
Vote 4 me pls

To: Hill
Who is this

From: Hill
Hillary lol

To: Hill
Did i meet u @ nicks party

From: Hill
Send me money pls ;)

To: Hill
Stop txting me

From: Hill
Sorry about iraq :’(


Friday, May 11, 2007

Second life = real life, and recap on scary mouse caught on vid

Ever hear of Second Life? If not, it's pretty much a snazzier version of MySpace in that it's not only an online community, but a virtual world in which you could do pretty much everything from making and selling goods (for REAL money), going clubbing, and now even virtual presidential campaigning! Hey, anything on there is possible I suppose.Here's a vid about it for your viewing pleasure.


Soo...earlier this week I wrote about Hamas Tv and their use of a rip-off Mickey Mouse to brainwash children to takeover Islam. Well, I came across an actual video clip of the program. Here it is:

It still gives me chills.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Lactation day: come one, come all!

Have a baby? Need to breast feed? If you're around The Cannon Terrace (or 441 Cannon if it’s raining), come join others to breast feed your baby/ies! Why? Well the event is intended to support Rep. Carolyn Maloney’s (D-N.Y.) “Breastfeeding Promotion Act.” If passed, this legislation would give tax incentives for businesses to develop "lactation areas" in the workplace.

Sounds nice and all, but I wonder how necessary this really is. I mean, how many people actually take their infants to work? Plus, aren't there lactation pumps for mothers to pump their own milk for storage?

Anyway, this event will probably be swarmed by gross, lonely men TRYING to sneak a peek. According to the Wonkette, men are supposed to leave at such times. Ha, we'll see if that works.

Congressional lactation areas [thehill.com]

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Calm yo self Obama!

Caught up in the intensity of his campaign speech, Barack Obama missed the mark drastically on the number of deaths from the Kansas tornadoes. Instead of reporting a death toll of 12, Obama stated that 10,000 had died. Only off by 9,988 people!

“In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed,” stated Senator Obama on Tuesday.

He later realized his mistakes after making his closing remarks.

“There are going to be times when I get tired,” he said. “There are going to be times when I get weary. There are going to be times when I make mistakes.”

That's true. No big Barack.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Hiel Bowles!

America, meet John Henry Bowles, 2008 presidential hopeful and underdog. Named "the White People's Candidate," Bowles is described as a "full-blown neo-Nazi" (boots up), and believes in the legitamacy of his candidacy because it is time "for the white people to put a real white man in the White House."

What will he bring to the table if elected president? American voters can expect, " free health care, lower food prices (through the elimination of the "kosher tax"), lower taxes (by cutting off aid to Israel), and the orderly deportation of all non-whites to Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. All white soldiers can expect to be recalled from overseas duty and be placed on the Southern border so they can help 'stop the invasion.'"

Spoken like a true white supermascist nazi. And what a stupid candidate. The only contributor to his campaign is himself. Is he really serious about running (obviously not) or is he running to piss people off?

Meet the Also-Rans: John Taylor Bowles [Radar Online]

Mickey Mouse endorses Islam's destruction

Hamas militants have recruited one of the world's most iconic cartoon characters to advocate their message of Islam takeover to little children. Who you ask? Well if you couldn't already tell from the picture to the left (or read the titled of this post for that matter), it's none other than Mickey Mouse! Or should I say, "Mickey Mouse" as their ripoff rendition of the character looks more like a screwed up rat, and is named "Fafour" (which means butterfly).

Fafour also has his own show, whose audience consists of little children at their most impressionable stages. Children are free to call into the show, singing anthems about Israeli's takeover.

Fafour squeaks,"We will return the Islamic community to its former greatness, and liberate Jerusalem, God willing, liberate Iraq, God willing, and liberate all the countries of the Muslims invaded by the murderers."

Representatives from Walt Disney Co. have not (yet) commented on this issue.

Wow, does anyone else find this really creepy and wrong?

Hamas 'Mickey Mouse' wants Islam takeover [yahoo news]

Saturday, May 5, 2007

College students are on a roll :P

Richard Ryan Wargo, a 19 year old Louisiana State Univeristy student was held on a $1 million bond. Why you ask? Apparently he was accused of planning a terrorist-like attack against Hilary Clinton. Clinton is scheduled to speak in Baton Rouge on Saturday, though police have said it was unclear whether the alleged attack was to be carried out at that time.

A classmate whom Wargo communicated with later tattled on him to the university. Wargo was accused with, "terrorizing, communicating false information of planned arson and possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia".

Caught planning an attack AND for drug possession? He's screwed, and will probably get life with the way our drug policy is.

College students are really making a terrible impression lately (i.e. Cho, Wargo, and did anyone else get that email about those sexual assaulters in their UCI inbox today?)

LSU student held in threat against Sen. Clinton [msnbc.com]

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Darn those delinquents!

Apparently Bush thinks that the American soldiers fighting in Iraq are kids. And that the "terrorists" that flew airplanes into the World Trade Center were also kids.

Bush stated, “And if I didn’t think it was necessary for the security of the country, I wouldn’t put our kids in harm’s way.”

While many soldiers over in Iraq are kids (18 and early 20 year olds) in comparison to him, not all are. We've got mature aged captains being killed in Iraq.

As for the enemy Bush stated, “You can attack a nation several ways. One, you can get 19 kids to fly airplanes into buildings, or you can gain control of something a country needs and deny that country access to that, in this case, oil, and run the price of oil up, all attempting to inflict serious economic damage.”

Last time I checked the hijackers weren't kids? Looks like Bush needs some new goggles. wah wah.

These Kids Today [Austin American-Statesman]

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Thumbs down: Obama, usurper of myspace site

So apparently Obama's campaign took control over an unofficial MySpace page, and claimed it as his official site...without permission. On top of this, Obama's campaign in unwilling to compensate the man who originally create the page (and spent TWO years on it, too).

Here's the link to the site:


The creator, Joe Anthony, made the site in 2004 when Obama was elected to the Senate. The site became a central meeting place for people to learn about and discuss Obama. When the site was usurped, it had already acquired over 30,000 friends.

However trivial, or "high school" this whole stealing a MySpace site seems, it is unfair how it was taken without permission NOR compensation. I mean, the guy who created it spent two years running it, and is (or was) obviously a great supporter of Obama. This kind of move gives off the wrong impression to his supporters.

The Battle to Control Obama’s Myspace [Tech President]

Obama campaign usurps Myspace website [Daily Kos]


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Ex- governor's wife on Oprah

Dina Matos McGreevey, the ex-wife of America's first openly gay governor, appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show", rebutting her ex-husband's (former New Jersey Gov. James E. McGreevey) claim that she had always known he was gay.

In August 2004, McGreevey announced to the public that he was a "gay American" and that he had been involved in an extramarital romance with a male aide. Months later he resigned from his position.

During his announcement, McGreevey instructed his "wife" to smile and be like Jackie Kennedy that day.

Dina responded, “I smiled because I didn’t want to break down,” she said. “He told me, you have to be Jackie Kennedy today. And I’m thinking, Jackie Kennedy? Her husband was murdered. You cheated on me and I have to be Jackie Kennedy?”

She was right. How could one expect her to put on a fake smile after such news. She truly kept her grace under pressure, despite the absurd request.

Dina's response to her ex-husband's memoir ("The Confession") is titled "Silent Partner: A Memoir of My Marriage" and was published Tuesday, the same day the show aired.
Something to pick up for all you gossipers.
"In it, McGreevey described sexual encounters with aide Golan Cipel — who has denied having an affair with McGreevey — and wrote that he married Matos McGreevey to help him advance his political career."
The fact that he is gay isn't the problem. The problem is that he used his wife for political advancement, and was overall untruthful. That's pretty scum-baggish to me. And this guy was an elected governor?

Monday, April 30, 2007

OBAMAMANIA: bringing politics to hollywood's vips

In hoping to influence the entertainment industry' s (politically minded and) influential, Obama took his campaign message to the posh Hollywood club, Boulevard3 last Satuday night.

And what an appropriate place that was, a night club frequented by most of those (of the likes of those) in attendance.

Variety reported, "It was not the Paris Hilton crowd, but this was a decidedly younger, looser group of entertainment industry professionals -- actors, producers and managers in their late 20s and 30s -- who came to hear Obama's inspirational message. [...] "

Additionally, guests paid an entrance fee of $500 (suppsosedly a bargain for those types of events) which raised Obama a hefty $300,000. What a way to hit two birds with one stone. Obama raised some bucks and brought his message to the entertainment's influential (with a martini in hand, jusst kidding?)

Obama Campaign Takes Message To Hollywood's VIP Booths [defamer.com]

Saturday, April 28, 2007

A woman of many tongues

Critic and comedian eyeballs have been on presidential hopeful Hilary Clinton for something quite odd. Apparently Hillary has been using a Southern accent like an on and off switch. When confronted with her tendency she responded with something even more ridiculous.

"I think America is ready for a multilingual president," Clinton said during a campaign stop at a charter school in Greenville.

...*cricket cricket*...

For starters, multilingual refers to the ability to speak more than one language. Secondly, accent is NOT a language. When it comes down to it, she's been fronting a fake accent to fit in with her audience. It's pretty amusing actually. And I'm sure she used that whole "multilingual" excuse to save face. What she needs to do is be real.

It's a little annoying how CNN has referred to her as a "linguistic polyglot", whatever that is. She's not a master of multi languages just because she can fake an accent!

A video for your musing:

Clinton: Speaking Southern a virture, not a vice [CNN.com]

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Barack Obama aka Barry O'Bomber is cool

Found an article about Barack Obama's wonder years and thought it was pretty interesting. Friends and teachers of Barack (or Barry O'bomber as his friends would call him for his jump shot) reminisce about the boy they knew as being very charismatic and personable.

Apparently Obama was really into basketball and even played for his school team. Though he later admits that he wasn't very good, his former coach said that he was the most dedicated often times spending his spare time shooting hoops (even with books in one hand!) Basketball may have been something closer to him than just a hobby, as he is said to have always had a basketball with him (one particular which was given to him by his absent father). Two of Obama's former teammates later recall the name of their little group, the"Rat-ballers". While the name is somewhat odd, to me it shows how they were just a fun group of three buddies who loved to play ball.

Aside from basketball, Obama was obviously a star student. He often impressed his peers with his debating skills, and his teachers with his talent in communicating. After high school, he attened Columbia University, and later Harvard Law School. From there Obama made his way up to Senate, and next on his journey...presidency of the United States??

Years later, Obama's old basketball coach remembers seeing him last. Not wanting to bother him, he stayed in the crowd. Obama approached him and started friendly conversation. His other teacher has also said he and Obama still exchange emails (and he's pretty prompt at responding according to him). What a cool guy.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

There are no words...

...for the pictures that are to follow. Proceed with caution!

This morning, President Bush participated in Malaria Awareness Day in a Rose Garden Ceremony. Apparently this also included dancing with with African Sengalese performers.


Is this LEGAL?!

More at Shakesville

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Man awards Bush with Purple Heart

Vietnam veteran and Purple Heart recipient Bill Thomas and his wife Georgia have decided to award President Bush with a Purple Heart in D.C. Why? Because the pair feels that the verbal attacks and emotional wounds that Bush has had to endure during his time in office are comparable to those suffered physically.

According to the Kileen Daily Herald, "[t]he medal was awarded to Thomas on Dec. 18, 1965, following injuries he sustained while serving in heavy combat with the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vietnam."

Originally intending to have the Purple Heart forwarded to Bush, upon hearing of the news Bush was moved and wanted Thomas to present it in person.

"I feel the President deserved one," he said. "The bottom line is, I paid for these Purple Hearts with my blood."

I guess he earned the medal and is thus free to choose what he wants to do with it. But to award it to the President, who has sent so many fallen soldiers out to war just seems a little uncanny. It's a nice deed, but still a little weird to me.

More at Wonkette.com

Monday, April 23, 2007

Giuliani goes FRIENDS ONLY

MySpace nowadays seems to be the biggest "it" thing that everyone MUST have. Heck I even have one. Presidential candidate hopefulls are no exception.
Apparently Mr. Rudy also has a myspace, but unlike his other running mates' pages, his is set to PRIVATE. This means that you must request him to add you as a friend before you are able to view the entire contents of his page. Why the heck would he do that?

Here's proof:

If by setting up a MySpace Rudy hoped to advance his campaign, it's failing miserably by being private.
Then again, people make these type of "faker" accounts all the time, and this may not be Giuliani's afterall. But the same still holds true, if this is a site to help the Giuliani campaign, it's still not helping out the effort.

More at Wonkette.com

Friday, April 20, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sanjaya is going to D.C.!

This week's American Idol evictee is going to Washington, D.C. for this weekends' White House Correspondents Association Dinner. Apparently People magazine was able to snag him to attend.

Sanjaya Malakar was by far the American Idol hopeful that America loved to hate. Why? Who knows. I mean, who wouldn't love a contestant who couldn't sing half as well as everyone else on the show, who also sported the zaniest hair dos, and whom people vowed to go on hunger strikes to get him off the show?

Why he was asked to attend the White House dinner gala is even more puzzling to me. Pretty random if you ask me.

Sanjaya Coming to D.C. [The Washington Post]

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Abortion Ban 5-4

The Supreme Court upheld the nation wide ban on partial birth abortions today with a 5-4 decision. This marks the first prohibition on a specific type of abortion since the Roe decision in 1973, which legalized abortions as a woman's right to choose nationwide.

The liberal justices dissented, stating that the ban goes against abortion rights, especially since the partial birth abortion occurs in the second trimester (done after the 16th week [abortionrights.com]). Roe states that abortions are permitted until the 28th week, when babies are said to be able to live outside the womb.

The majority ruled that the prohibition does not violate a woman's right to choose.

"The 5-4 decision written by Justice Anthony Kennedy said the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act that Congress passed and President Bush signed into law in 2003 does not violate a woman's constitutional right to an abortion."

Though this may have opened the door to potential controversy, and more attacks on Roe, I'm glad that this particular form of abortion has been banned. After reading up on the procedure, it appears to be a very gruesome and inhumane. The baby, very much formed at 12 weeks, is essentially poisoned with a salt concentration/solution, and a day later the mother delivers a dead baby pulling it feet first and stabbing it in the skull.

If a woman is contemplating abortion, they should do so before the baby is so developed. I personally to not believe in abortion, but if it is to be done, it should occur within a period of time where the baby is not developed enough to experience great pain such as being poisoned. In the end, I agree with the ban...and if I had it my way, abortions would not be allowed. If any changes to the decision of Roe were to be made, the period of time when abortions are permissible should be earlier in the development of the unborn fetus.

click link to watch a msnbc.com video explaining today's ruling:

click for full article from msnbc.com

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Gunman identified

Cho Seung-Hui, a 23 year old senior at Virginia Tech, has been identified as the gunman behind the thirty-three person massacre on Monday, April 16th 2007. Seung-Hui immigrated to the United States from South Korea in 1992, and resided with his family in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. The family's neighbors described the gunman as very quiet, and unresponsive when greeted. Such was the case at his university as he had been labeled a loner by fellow peers, and even faculty.

“He was a loner, and we’re having difficulty finding information about him,” said Larry Hincker, the university’s associate vice president for community relations. [msnbc.com article]

Concern had also been described as being troubled by a director of the creative writing department. Cho had also been referred to counselling services, the results of which are unknown.

After taking some time to think about this, I believe there are two possible consequences as an outcome of this event. Firstly, the issue of gun control may go under greater scrutiny. Presidential hopefuls will need to analyze their view points more carefully at this point, because although gun violence occurs everyday, it rarely occurs in such mass proportions to raise national concern. Just as I am writing this, I have already found an article depicting world outcry and condemnation toward the United States "lax gun controls".

As one editorial expressed, “[w]hy, we ask, do Americans continue to tolerate gun laws and a culture that seems to condemn thousands of innocents to death every year, when presumably, tougher restrictions, such as those in force in European countries, could at least reduce the number?”

How much an effect the world condemnation has on our gun control policy, we shall find out.

Secondly, I feel (and cross my fingers that it does not occur) that discrimination toward those of asian descent, especially those who are immigrants to this country, may rise. We've seen it happen as part of the aftermath of 9/11. Those were of similar race or religion to those terrorists were themselves depicted as such. Many innocent people were accussed and discriminated against because of the mass and disturbing actions of few who only look similar. I sincerely hope that the same does not occur as a result of this event. It doesn't look to good based on the fact that the handful of articles I have read about the gunman depicted him as a prototype of a sterotypical Asian (very Asian name, Asian look, quiet, and to himself).

Monday, April 16, 2007

Campus Shootings At Virginia Tech

As I'm sure most of you are aware, there was a shooting rampage on the campus of Virginia Tech which occurred earlier this Monday morning. A tremendous thirty-three people have been reported killed, including the gunman (whom shot himself in the face shortly after the massacre) himself. Fifteen other victims are being treated for various injurious.

According to msnbc.com, "The rampage began about 7:15 a.m. ET at West Ambler Johnston, a coeducational residence hall that houses 895 people. The gunman, armed with a 9-mm pistol and a .22-caliber handgun, killed a man and a woman there before making his way to Norris Hall, an engineering classroom building about a half-mile away on the opposite end of the 2,600-acre campus."

At Norris Hall, thirty-two victims were killed. Upon arriving at the scene, Police were met by a chained front entrace; the gunman chained the doors shut to prevent anyone from coming in or out of the building. After forcing their way in, the wounded and killed victims were found.

"The first e-mail warning to students and employees did not go out to students, faculty and staff until 9:26 a.m., more than two hours after the shooting at the dormitory, according to the time stamps on copies obtained by NBC News. By then, the classroom shooting was under way. The message warned students to be cautious but did not warn them not to go to class."

Today's events struck a personal cord with me. When I first heard of the news, I myself was in class in a large lecture hall like those who were slain. To think that something like this could happen, and at such massive proportions, is almost unbelieveable and has instilled a sense of vulnerability within myself and I'm sure several other college campus students across the nation. I can't help but feel that the deaths of those thirty-one students at Norris Hall could have been prevented had the students and staff been made aware of the earlier shooting at the dormitory. Crisises such as gun shootings, especially if a gunman is still at large, should be taken very seriously at (as should have been the case at this University). If I had it my way, classes would have been dismissed for the day, and people evacuated at the slight chance of more danger for the students, faculty and staff. Unfortunately, such was not the case and students were instructed to only be "cautious".
Side note:

The same article mentions that at a planned, "convocation for Tuesday at the Cassell Coliseum basketball arena, (which) White House officials said President Bush was considering attending."

Instead of considering, I think that Bush should just go. This event has been exposed from every corner of the nation by the media, and has made everyone feel a little less safe about their own safety or the safety of their children on their school campuses. His prescence may give those affected by the shootings a sense of care, to only consider going does not say much.

Friday, April 13, 2007

When he's not hunting birds...

...he hits them with his plane! Tough luck for the poor bird who flew into the engine of Vice President Dick Cheney's aircraft on this Friday the 13th.

On his way to Chicago to address conservatives at Heritage Foundation's annual leadership conference, Cheney's aircraft hit a bird upon landing. Cheney was not aware of the accident until after he spoke at the event.

All the while at the conference, Cheney attacked democrats especially hard for their micromanagement approach to the war in Iraq.

"In Iraq, above all, the Democrats' attempt to micromanage our commanders is an unwise and perilous endeavor," Cheney said. "It is impossible to argue that an unconditional timetable for retreat could serve the security interests of the United States or our friends in the region. Instead, it sends a message to our enemies that the calendar is their friend, that all they have to do is wait us out - wait for the date certain, and then claim victory the day after."

Sounds better to me than to continue a war that more than half the nation has no idea why we're in anymore. I think it's about time to begin that retreat.

Read more at CBS2Chicago.com

Read more at MSNBC.com