Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What the...

At a recent kidergarten ceremony in Iraq, all were smiles and giggles. The children played games, while other sipped on juice boxes. They also vowed to fight.

While it seemed that things were cheerful and light, it was apparent that it was in reality not so. The children have been deeply affected by the war they must live in the middle of, and this was apparent in the things that they said.

"I'm going to bomb, bomb, bomb the school with everybody in it," said Omar Hussein, as he clutched a pink toy airplane.

Another girl sang, I give a knife to my father to slaughter the chicken. He gives me a machine gun and a rifle. Now, I am a soldier in the liberation army."

Most of the children have expressed their wanting to "live like before". And they deserve it. It is truly heartbreaking to see how this war has affected these children. Even though they may not know what they say, this war has bred a new hate within even younger generations as they've been stripped of their innocence by what they've heard, seen, and feel.

Iraqi kindergarten: Smiles and vows to fight []

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