Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Support our troops, buy a frosty soda!

Check out this display at a Roy Rogers. Some act of patriotism, right? If you buy a 32oz Coca-Cola beverage a portion of the proceeds will go out to support our troops and their families all over the world.
Something about it just isn't right. I think it's the fact that now Americans (whom are among the most obese in the world) are being called to acts of patriotism by gourging themselves with soda in order to support our troops and "show them that we (you) care". Will a few cents per cup really solve the problem? I think it'll only contributing to America's ongoing problem with overconsumption and obesity.

Curzon at Coming Anarchy concludes, "I don’t think any readers are the type of people to be suckered into buying a super-sized soft drink on the grounds that it’s doing our troops a favor, but just in case you get the urge, hear me out: using patriotism to capture your consumer dollar is a cheap gimic that does no benefit to our troops or our country. Show them you care and don’t supersize."

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