Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Thumbs down: Obama, usurper of myspace site

So apparently Obama's campaign took control over an unofficial MySpace page, and claimed it as his official site...without permission. On top of this, Obama's campaign in unwilling to compensate the man who originally create the page (and spent TWO years on it, too).

Here's the link to the site:

The creator, Joe Anthony, made the site in 2004 when Obama was elected to the Senate. The site became a central meeting place for people to learn about and discuss Obama. When the site was usurped, it had already acquired over 30,000 friends.

However trivial, or "high school" this whole stealing a MySpace site seems, it is unfair how it was taken without permission NOR compensation. I mean, the guy who created it spent two years running it, and is (or was) obviously a great supporter of Obama. This kind of move gives off the wrong impression to his supporters.

The Battle to Control Obama’s Myspace [Tech President]

Obama campaign usurps Myspace website [Daily Kos]

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