Saturday, May 5, 2007

College students are on a roll :P

Richard Ryan Wargo, a 19 year old Louisiana State Univeristy student was held on a $1 million bond. Why you ask? Apparently he was accused of planning a terrorist-like attack against Hilary Clinton. Clinton is scheduled to speak in Baton Rouge on Saturday, though police have said it was unclear whether the alleged attack was to be carried out at that time.

A classmate whom Wargo communicated with later tattled on him to the university. Wargo was accused with, "terrorizing, communicating false information of planned arson and possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia".

Caught planning an attack AND for drug possession? He's screwed, and will probably get life with the way our drug policy is.

College students are really making a terrible impression lately (i.e. Cho, Wargo, and did anyone else get that email about those sexual assaulters in their UCI inbox today?)

LSU student held in threat against Sen. Clinton []

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