Friday, May 18, 2007


Or the EMU named Bill Clinton is, anyway. Clinton had been on the run for nearly a week before the Carrboro police caught him outside of a nursing home. He escaped from his pen in Orange County on Saturday. While neighbors tried catching the bird, they were defeated by it's massiveness (6'0 foot, 125 lb bird with dino-like claws). How he died is still up in the air.

"The manager of the Orange County Animal Shelter said police Tasered him. But a police spokesman said officers didn't use a Taser stun gun or tranquilizers. He said the bird injured himself as police tried to load him into a truck to take him to the shelter."

Poor poor emu. I wonder how many people actually thought the former president, Bill Clinton, had died. Goodness.


It was a nice day in Carrboro, but not for the emu [News Observer]

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