Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Ex- governor's wife on Oprah

Dina Matos McGreevey, the ex-wife of America's first openly gay governor, appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show", rebutting her ex-husband's (former New Jersey Gov. James E. McGreevey) claim that she had always known he was gay.

In August 2004, McGreevey announced to the public that he was a "gay American" and that he had been involved in an extramarital romance with a male aide. Months later he resigned from his position.

During his announcement, McGreevey instructed his "wife" to smile and be like Jackie Kennedy that day.

Dina responded, “I smiled because I didn’t want to break down,” she said. “He told me, you have to be Jackie Kennedy today. And I’m thinking, Jackie Kennedy? Her husband was murdered. You cheated on me and I have to be Jackie Kennedy?”

She was right. How could one expect her to put on a fake smile after such news. She truly kept her grace under pressure, despite the absurd request.

Dina's response to her ex-husband's memoir ("The Confession") is titled "Silent Partner: A Memoir of My Marriage" and was published Tuesday, the same day the show aired.
Something to pick up for all you gossipers.
"In it, McGreevey described sexual encounters with aide Golan Cipel — who has denied having an affair with McGreevey — and wrote that he married Matos McGreevey to help him advance his political career."
The fact that he is gay isn't the problem. The problem is that he used his wife for political advancement, and was overall untruthful. That's pretty scum-baggish to me. And this guy was an elected governor?

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