Monday, May 21, 2007

Let the children learn!

Hilary Clinton is pushing for a voluntary, federally funded $10 billion program to provide voluntary pre-school education for 4 year olds across the United States.

And how will this be paid for? If implemented, Clinton plans to close tax loopholes to and to do away with Bush admin programs she disagrees with.

"She said quality pre-kindergarten programs will more than pay for themselves because children will be less likely to enter special education programs, drop out of school or enter the welfare system. She also said preparing children for school also reduces behavioral problems."

This sounds like a good program, but I wonder if it will really stay voluntary. (E.g. seatbelt laws, which by no means is bad). If the benefits outweigh the costs, then I'm all for it. Hilary needs to back it with some research to show this in order to gain support, which this article fails to provide.

Clinton pushes pre-kindergarten proposal []

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