Thursday, May 3, 2007

Darn those delinquents!

Apparently Bush thinks that the American soldiers fighting in Iraq are kids. And that the "terrorists" that flew airplanes into the World Trade Center were also kids.

Bush stated, “And if I didn’t think it was necessary for the security of the country, I wouldn’t put our kids in harm’s way.”

While many soldiers over in Iraq are kids (18 and early 20 year olds) in comparison to him, not all are. We've got mature aged captains being killed in Iraq.

As for the enemy Bush stated, “You can attack a nation several ways. One, you can get 19 kids to fly airplanes into buildings, or you can gain control of something a country needs and deny that country access to that, in this case, oil, and run the price of oil up, all attempting to inflict serious economic damage.”

Last time I checked the hijackers weren't kids? Looks like Bush needs some new goggles. wah wah.

These Kids Today [Austin American-Statesman]

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