Wednesday, May 16, 2007

No duh.

BREAKING NEWS: Prince Harry will not serve in Iraq! Apparently the decision was based on "a number of specific threats" against him. His prescence in Iraq poses to great and unreasonable threat to himself and his squadron. Well, no duh. Did they really need to announce this any later then they have?
They've built up so much hype for it to die so late in the game.

Also, isn't everyone being sent over there suffering from the same threat of death? What makes him so special? Oh right, he's a royal baby.

Harry is reported to have been crying ever since he found out. No really, he's "very disappointed".

"He has proved himself both at Sandhurst and in command of his troop during their training. I commend him for his determination and his undoubted talent -- and I do not say that lightly. His soldiers will miss his leadership in Iraq, although I know his commanding officer will provide a highly capable substitute troop leader."

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