Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Kerry loves em blackberries!

On a flight to San Francisco, a friendly observer made note of Senator John Kerry's activities(while sitting comfortably next to him). Kerry had been noted reading "They March Into Sunlight: War and Peace Vietnam and America October 1967" by David Maraniss. He also was reported to have a legal journal in hand when he sat down, but didnt do any work in it and slept instead. And rightfully so, he must have been tired like anyone with a hectic schedule,

"He must have slept for over an hour and the whole time his mouth was opened wide. I didn't detect any drool."

Too funny.

Kerry also engaged himself with playing a Blackberry video game. Which one? The one with a paddle and ball, and where you have to knock down bricks with the ball, all the while the game speeds up. Yeah, I don't have a Blackberry so please excuse the game description. Apparently the Senator got really into the game too, as he was often described to have jerked around to make the right moves.

Kerry sounds fun.

Sen John Kerry : at risk for CrackBerry Thumb? [SF Metroblogging]

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