Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Mickey Mouse endorses Islam's destruction

Hamas militants have recruited one of the world's most iconic cartoon characters to advocate their message of Islam takeover to little children. Who you ask? Well if you couldn't already tell from the picture to the left (or read the titled of this post for that matter), it's none other than Mickey Mouse! Or should I say, "Mickey Mouse" as their ripoff rendition of the character looks more like a screwed up rat, and is named "Fafour" (which means butterfly).

Fafour also has his own show, whose audience consists of little children at their most impressionable stages. Children are free to call into the show, singing anthems about Israeli's takeover.

Fafour squeaks,"We will return the Islamic community to its former greatness, and liberate Jerusalem, God willing, liberate Iraq, God willing, and liberate all the countries of the Muslims invaded by the murderers."

Representatives from Walt Disney Co. have not (yet) commented on this issue.

Wow, does anyone else find this really creepy and wrong?

Hamas 'Mickey Mouse' wants Islam takeover [yahoo news]

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