Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Hiel Bowles!

America, meet John Henry Bowles, 2008 presidential hopeful and underdog. Named "the White People's Candidate," Bowles is described as a "full-blown neo-Nazi" (boots up), and believes in the legitamacy of his candidacy because it is time "for the white people to put a real white man in the White House."

What will he bring to the table if elected president? American voters can expect, " free health care, lower food prices (through the elimination of the "kosher tax"), lower taxes (by cutting off aid to Israel), and the orderly deportation of all non-whites to Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. All white soldiers can expect to be recalled from overseas duty and be placed on the Southern border so they can help 'stop the invasion.'"

Spoken like a true white supermascist nazi. And what a stupid candidate. The only contributor to his campaign is himself. Is he really serious about running (obviously not) or is he running to piss people off?

Meet the Also-Rans: John Taylor Bowles [Radar Online]

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