Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bush was bombed...(and other funnies)

by bird droppings. While taking a question in the White House Rose Garden on Thursday about the scandals revolving around his Attorney General, a bird flew from above and laid a big one on him. Bush tried wiping it off several times...ew.

"Deputy White House Press Secretary Dana Perino promptly put the incident through the proper spin cycle, telling ABC News, 'It was his lucky day…everyone knows that's a sign of good luck.' " Sure, whatever. He better have washed his hands after.

Watch it happen here (wmp) or here (quicktime).

Bird Sh*ts on Bush During Press Conference [CrooksandLiars]

Found this on and though it was pretty sad...

Wording, people...wording!


And now some visual stimuli...

Rosie and poor little Elizabeth battle it out over politics! Like omg!

and later Alicia Silverstone SNUFFS Elizabeth.

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