Monday, May 14, 2007

Omg txt me pls Hill!

Looks like presidential hopefuls are trying to conquer uncharted campaigning territories, from community sites such as MySpace, and now to the convenience of your own cell phone. Well at least such is the case for Hillary.

“By harnessing the power of text messaging, we can engage voters in the political process using the latest technology and provide personalized, local campaign updates to our supporters nationwide,” Clinton said. “This is an exciting step forward that I hope will continue our conversation with voters in a new format.”

Hillary hopes to reach out to voters on a whole new level. Those who sign up for her texts will receive updates on Clinton's campaign, including

and now, a funny rendition of a text conversation with Hill, compliments of

From: Hill
Vote 4 me pls

To: Hill
Who is this

From: Hill
Hillary lol

To: Hill
Did i meet u @ nicks party

From: Hill
Send me money pls ;)

To: Hill
Stop txting me

From: Hill
Sorry about iraq :’(


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