Wednesday, May 30, 2007

S T A R R: Rudy G.'s MySpace Mistress?

Rumors are floating around that republican presidential hopeful Rudy G. has a new online lover. The National Enquirer reports in its latest issue that Starr Shephard, a 36 year old motivational speaker from Texas, is Rudy's cyber mistress.

Both Rudy and Starr deny the allegations. Big surprise.

You can visit Starr's MySpace page that has Giuliani this and that all over it. Her photo section is even more amusing with some pretty much naked photos of her (how inspirational, and professional to boot!), and some other photos of her with some well known people. Her appearance is quite amusing in itself with her frazzled, one-too-many-times bleached blonde hair, tacky and cheap looking wardrobe.

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