Saturday, April 28, 2007

A woman of many tongues

Critic and comedian eyeballs have been on presidential hopeful Hilary Clinton for something quite odd. Apparently Hillary has been using a Southern accent like an on and off switch. When confronted with her tendency she responded with something even more ridiculous.

"I think America is ready for a multilingual president," Clinton said during a campaign stop at a charter school in Greenville.

...*cricket cricket*...

For starters, multilingual refers to the ability to speak more than one language. Secondly, accent is NOT a language. When it comes down to it, she's been fronting a fake accent to fit in with her audience. It's pretty amusing actually. And I'm sure she used that whole "multilingual" excuse to save face. What she needs to do is be real.

It's a little annoying how CNN has referred to her as a "linguistic polyglot", whatever that is. She's not a master of multi languages just because she can fake an accent!

A video for your musing:

Clinton: Speaking Southern a virture, not a vice []

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