Thursday, April 26, 2007

Barack Obama aka Barry O'Bomber is cool

Found an article about Barack Obama's wonder years and thought it was pretty interesting. Friends and teachers of Barack (or Barry O'bomber as his friends would call him for his jump shot) reminisce about the boy they knew as being very charismatic and personable.

Apparently Obama was really into basketball and even played for his school team. Though he later admits that he wasn't very good, his former coach said that he was the most dedicated often times spending his spare time shooting hoops (even with books in one hand!) Basketball may have been something closer to him than just a hobby, as he is said to have always had a basketball with him (one particular which was given to him by his absent father). Two of Obama's former teammates later recall the name of their little group, the"Rat-ballers". While the name is somewhat odd, to me it shows how they were just a fun group of three buddies who loved to play ball.

Aside from basketball, Obama was obviously a star student. He often impressed his peers with his debating skills, and his teachers with his talent in communicating. After high school, he attened Columbia University, and later Harvard Law School. From there Obama made his way up to Senate, and next on his journey...presidency of the United States??

Years later, Obama's old basketball coach remembers seeing him last. Not wanting to bother him, he stayed in the crowd. Obama approached him and started friendly conversation. His other teacher has also said he and Obama still exchange emails (and he's pretty prompt at responding according to him). What a cool guy.

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