Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hit & Miss: Giuliani Right on Gas Prices, Wrong on Bread & Milk

Article & picture from: The Huffington Post

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Looks like someone hasn't been to the grocery store lately! When asked about the prices of bread and milk (basic necessities in many American households) during his Tueday campaigning in Alabama, Giuliani delievered blind, and more so clueless answers.

"A gallon of milk is probably about a $1.50, a loaf of bread about a $1.25, $1.30," he said.

These prices may have been the case ages ago. American shoppers nowadays are faced with higher prices for such items as bread and milk, thus showing that Rudy may be a little out of tune with average Americans he hopes to serve one day as president.

As reported by, "a check of the Web site for D'Agostino supermarket on Manhattan's Upper East Side showed a gallon of milk priced at $4.19 and a loaf of white bread at $2.99 to $3.39."

On the other hand, Giuliani hit the nail on the head when asked about the price of gas.
"Gas, I think, is $2.89," he said.


On another note, I think it's pretty amusing how such little mistakes made by presidential candidate hopefuls are magnified so much by the media. In this case, I guess Giuliani's mistake may have shown how he is out of synch with the average American. But over answering the wrong prices of grocery food items? Really?

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