Monday, April 9, 2007

Giuliani on Abortions: Leave It Up to the Judges

In a recent article from, Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani's support for abortion rights has raised concerns for social conservatives (in the GOP base) whom have large influence in the nomination process for presidential hopefuls.

As reported in a widely distributed speech in 1998, Giuliani pushed for public funding of abortions for poor women. When "asked by Bash if he would maintain that position as president, Giuliani said 'probably.'"

To save face on such a stance, Giuliani has left the responsibility of determining abortion's constitutionality to a constructionist federal bench."

In a bid to assuage them, he has vowed to nominate 'strict constructionist' judges to the federal bench who, he says, would interpret the constitutionality of laws, rather than legislate their own views from the bench."

If decided a constitutional right, Giuliani will continue to support legalized abortion for the sake of protecting that right. Sounds like Giuliani, while sticking to his support of abortion, is using a defense mechanism against his contesting fellow conservatives by leaving it up to the bench to call the shots on whether or not abortion should be a protected constituitional right...or rather, to clean up this mess for him.


In other news, welcome to my blog! Today marks the commencement of Melissa's Political Ramblings. Cheers.

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