Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Man awards Bush with Purple Heart

Vietnam veteran and Purple Heart recipient Bill Thomas and his wife Georgia have decided to award President Bush with a Purple Heart in D.C. Why? Because the pair feels that the verbal attacks and emotional wounds that Bush has had to endure during his time in office are comparable to those suffered physically.

According to the Kileen Daily Herald, "[t]he medal was awarded to Thomas on Dec. 18, 1965, following injuries he sustained while serving in heavy combat with the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vietnam."

Originally intending to have the Purple Heart forwarded to Bush, upon hearing of the news Bush was moved and wanted Thomas to present it in person.

"I feel the President deserved one," he said. "The bottom line is, I paid for these Purple Hearts with my blood."

I guess he earned the medal and is thus free to choose what he wants to do with it. But to award it to the President, who has sent so many fallen soldiers out to war just seems a little uncanny. It's a nice deed, but still a little weird to me.

More at Wonkette.com

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