Thursday, April 12, 2007

Blair joining the racist bandwagon with Imus?

We began the week with Imus' comment on nappy headed ho's, and now we end it with Prime Minister Blair claiming the Black community a source of murderers. Blair has pointed the finger to the Black community (and culture) for the recent upsurge of knife and gun related murders in London. Choosing to ditch being politically correct, Blair has stated that the violence could only be stopped if people stopped denying that the black kids are up to no good.

To back himself up (so as not to look entirely like a prick) Blair claimed that he had been moved to make such comments after speaking to a Black pastor regarding the current situation at hand (Emphasis on "Black").

As stated in the Guardian Unlimited, "Mr Blair said he had been moved to make his controversial remarks after speaking to a black pastor of a London church at a Downing Street knife crime summit, who said: 'When are we going to start saying this is a problem amongst a section of the black community and not, for reasons of political correctness, pretend that this is nothing to do with it?' Mr Blair said there needed to be an 'intense police focus' on the minority of young black Britons behind the gun and knife attacks. The laws on knife and gun gangs needed to be toughened and the ringleaders 'taken out of circulation'."

Oh okay Tony, it's okay to sound ignorant because you're stating the facts, AND you got the "OK" by a black pastor. Okay, I get it now, you're excused.

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