Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Anti-feminist Mike Adams' take on feminism is seriously distorted.

"Feminism is a minority social movement, whose members murder innocent children in order to obtain sexual gratification."

First of all, he only focuses on the aspect of abortion choice in the women's movement. Here's a news flash for Adams: WOMEN DON'T GET PREGNANT BY THEMSELVES. Though I don't personally would resort to abortion, I do know that most women who undergo abortion do so for several reasons that are viable (issues with women's health, the fetus' health, financial insecurity, etc.) Abortion is most times a very difficult decision for women to make.

Secondly, Adam's doesnt know what he's talking about. Women murder innocent children to obtain sexual gratification? It doesn't even make sense.

His definition and view on feminism is so immature and ludacris that it's difficult to believe that people actually listen to him.

1 comment:

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